
Salone Del Restauro

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The “Exhibition of Restoration and Conservation of Cultural Heritage”is an eventdedicated to Italy’scultural heritage and art. In its 25th edition, the exhibitionlastedthreedays, from March 21 to March 23, 2018, under the patronage of the Ministry of Heritage and Cultural Activities and Tourism.

Salone Del Restauro.

Like everyyear, the city of Ferrara hosts the event“Salone del Restauro”.

In its latestedition, the eventaims to promote companies that work on the conservation and preservation of cultural and environmentalheritage. In addition to variousexhibitions, italsohostsconferences, workshops, seminars and meetings to discuss the variousproblems in the sector and showcase technologicalinnovations.

Thisyearitwasattended by 270 exhibitors from all over the world,asithasbecome, over the years, a point of reference for thosewhowork in the arts and culture sector.

The Fonderia Nolana Del Giudicecollaborated with the ArchaeologicalMuseum of Naplesin setting up a stand showcasingthe integrative restoration of the “Villa of the Papyri”.


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