
Christian Loretti

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Christian Loretti

Christian Loretti is an artist born in Foggia in 1977. After graduating at the Academy of Fine Arts of Foggia, specialising in Sculpture, now the artist holds courses of Plastic Arts and Sculpture in high schools like Liceo Artistico (he has also taught Sculpture, Artistic Anatomy, Moulding, Technologies, and Type of Materials at the Academy of Fine Arts of Viterbo).

Christian Loretti’s art is influenced by the Italian sculptors of XX century, adopting as preferential means of expression materials like bronze and aluminium. For his sculptures, the artist takes inspirations from nature, giving life to works which can perfectly integrate with open spaces. A sculptural and iconic research re-elaborates sculpture by means of mosaic works, interpretations of animals and new languages chiselled on metal.

Christian Loretti enters the national art scene with projects designed for public spaces in several Italian cities.

Fonderia Nolana has collaborated with Christian Loretti for various artistic projects.
